New to Leadership: Finding Your Leadership Voice

New to Leadership: Finding Your Leadership Voice

February 2, 2024 As the sun rises on your leadership journey, the initial gleam of being in a leadership position can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. The perception of leadership often carries an air of wisdom, control, and clarity. You may be dreaming of the corner office, walking in slow motion to a high-powered meeting,…

Cultivating a Winning Mindset for 2024 and Beyond

Cultivating a Winning Mindset for 2024 and Beyond

January 5, 2024 As we step into the unfolding chapters of 2024, let’s embark on a journey of self-reflection and growth, focusing on the cultivation of a winning mindset. Let’s break barriers and the mental and emotional restraints that have been keeping us from achieving greatness. In this edition, we discuss the critical aspects of…

Procrastinate More: It’s Good for Your Leadership Health

Procrastinate More: It’s Good for Your Leadership Health

November 24, 2023 In the hustle and bustle of the modern workplace, procrastination is often seen as a cardinal sin. Leaders are expected to be decisive, quick-witted, and always ready to take on challenges. Ugh! However, what if we told you that procrastination, when utilized strategically, could be a potent tool for effective leadership and…

Leadership in Hiatus: Empowering Employees and Fostering Trust

Leadership in Hiatus: Empowering Employees and Fostering Trust

September 15, 2023 In the hustle and bustle of the corporate world, leaders are often regarded as the pillars of guidance and direction. We envision them as indefatigable figures who are always at the forefront, steering the ship and rallying the troops. We expect our leaders to be all in, all the time. However, that…

Leadership Goal Setting: Beyond the Needs of the Organization

Leadership Goal Setting: Beyond the Needs of the Organization

December 22, 2023 As we stand at the precipice of a new era, leadership in the corporate landscape is undergoing a transformation. The traditional role of a leader as a strategic guide for the organization has expanded. Today’s leaders are not only responsible for steering the ship but also for ensuring the well-being and growth…

Embracing the “NO” of Leadership: When is it Time for the Next Opportunity? – Part 2

Embracing the “NO” of Leadership: When is it Time for the Next Opportunity? – Part 2

November 10, 2023 In part 1 of this series, we explored the signs that indicate when it might be time for leaders to move on to their next challenge and the emotional landscape of making such a significant decision. In part 2, we will discuss the political aspects associated with leadership transitions and the concept…

Embracing the “NO” of Leadership: When is it time for the Next Opportunity? – Part 1

Embracing the “NO” of Leadership: When is it time for the Next Opportunity? – Part 1

October 27, 2023 Leadership is a dynamic journey filled with highs, lows, and countless challenges. Leaders are often admired as unflappable individuals who possess all the answers and effortlessly steer their organizations to success. Often, we think of these individuals as always having perfect hair and a magical wind machine blowing at all times. In…

Elevating Your Career with Champions and Advocates

Elevating Your Career with Champions and Advocates

December 8, 2023 In the intricate dance of professional advancement, the spotlight is often on individual capabilities—skills, qualifications, and experience. However, an equally significant but sometimes overlooked aspect is the influence of mentors, advocates, and champions. Big mistake. In a world where collaboration and networking are paramount, having the right support can fast track your…

Discovering Your Leadership Value: Unveiling the Core of Effective Leadership

Discovering Your Leadership Value: Unveiling the Core of Effective Leadership

September 29, 2023 Leadership is a multifaceted concept that encompasses various styles, practices, and approaches. Better yet, think of it as a kaleidoscope; constantly shifting and changing into something new. From charismatic and transformational to situational leadership, leaders often draw from a diverse array of strategies to engage their followers. However, amidst the spectrum of…

Developing the 1% Mentality in Leadership: A Blueprint for Lasting Success

Developing the 1% Mentality in Leadership: A Blueprint for Lasting Success

Date: January 19, 2024 As we stride into the budding and fluid domain of leadership, the concept of the “1% mentality” stands out as a transformative force. In the world of leadership, it’s not merely about incremental improvements; it’s about embracing a mindset that pushes boundaries, seeks excellence, and consistently contributes to individual and team…