Leadership Ep 202 Inclusive Leadership Vlog
It’s all about the intagibles
In today\’s rapidly evolving digital world, businesses around the globe are booming thanks to the latest developments in AI and technology. Companies that can keep up with these innovations in software and data analytics will undoubtedly be the ones to thrive in this age of disruption. However, we must not underestimate the value of intangible skillsets in the current and future workforce. While AI and technology are essential tools, soft skills are going to sustain and drive business in the future.
So, what exactly are intangible skillsets? They are the abilities that cannot be measured by a computer or algorithm. They are the qualities that make us uniquely human, and to some, it is known as our secret sauce. Intangible skillsets include communication, creativity, leadership, and critical thinking, among others. Super important. Once the perceived value of intangible skills shifts as a necessity, the needs of organizations change. These skills can\’t be automated or traded in for software packages.
The sharp rise in technological advancements has driven businesses to put more emphasis on hiring tech-savvy individuals. Unfortunately, many overlook the essential qualities that make a well-rounded employee. Although tech-savvy employees are crucial, having well-rounded employees with intangible skillsets is even more valuable in the current business environment.
Technology can often take over business operations, which can lead companies to overlook the importance of soft skills. However, it\’s the people skills like excellent communication skills that build effective connections, influencing outcomes and allowing businesses to innovate successfully.
Although AI and technology bring numerous advantages, they cannot replace people and their unique abilities. Intangible abilities will continue to be vital components in workforce success, especially during this period of disruption. Thus, investing in developing employees’ soft skills will allow companies to achieve a higher level of productivity, build robust teams, and increase overall job satisfaction. Which all in turn will impact the future of work. So the question now is, will you be proactive or reactive in your intangible skillset application?