COVID-19 is here to stay. What does your future look like?

To use the word surreal to describe the state of the US economy and society is a terrible understatement in comparison to reality. It is going to be some time before we feel comfortable to have social gatherings, let alone stand fewer than 6 feet apart from our friends, family, loved ones, and peers. One can only speculate that the days standing around the office water cooler are numbered at best. Microsoft teams, along with any other virtual team app is the new social norm and way to interact with each other. The effects associated with #COVID-19 will be felt by many for months to come.

So now what? What is the new norm? Share your thoughts. Let us know what your future looks like post COVID-19. Provide recommendations on how to survive, pivot, and thrive during and post COVID-19. American Management and Leadership by Design (AMLD) would love to get this dialogue started.

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